In 2017, at the age of 33, I started creating sculptures as a self-taught sculptor and currently work in New York City.

Previously, I worked as an accountant in a company for 12 years. I also have no educational background in art. However, at the age of 37, I could no longer contain my passion for creating and jumped into the art world. I realize that I am crazy, but now I am ready to try anything.

My creativity starts with negative emotions. I hate the human ego. We kill people, animals, and nature to better our own lives. Including myself. Of course I love my family, my friends, and I would like you too. But when I create, the negativity overflows. In particular, it is the human ego towards nature.

My works are mainly made from discarded wood and concrete. The wood is a symbol of nature and the concrete is a symbol of artificial objects.

The wood is a symbol of nature and the concrete is a symbol of humans.

I sometimes reuse discarded wood from the sidewalks of Manhattan.

The reason concrete is a symbol of humans is because, according to one paper, concrete is the largest total amount of artificial material on the planet.

Concrete in my work often represents architecture. I am mainly inspired by Russian avant-garde architecture, which incorporates elements of art into architecture. By attempting to reimport from architecture to art, I am expressing a kind of human rationalism.

These materials are used to represent the domination of nature by humans. And there is a small space between the wood and the concrete. This is a message that "there must be a certain distance between nature and humans. It is a kind of social distance. Humans should pay more attention to nature.

I create my works with this in mind.

Profile / Exhibition

Born: 1984

Hometown: Osaka

Based In: New York

2008.  Kansai University, Department of literature  

      関西大学文学部 卒業

2017.  Start of creative activity


2019.  Solo Exhibition "Floating Body"

           個展 -浮遊体- Quwan

2021.  Solo Exhibition "HITORI7"

           個展 -HITORI7展- ROOMS

2021.  Solo Exhibition "Between natural & artifacts" 

           個展 -自然物と人工物の間- LADS Gallery